Someone who realizes that the world is crap yet still holds true to their ideals, sense of honor, and optimism.
Guy 1: Why'd you give that homeless guy your change, he's just going to blow it on booze.

Guy 2: Yeah, you're probably right....but either way he'll be happy

Guy 1: God you are such a Romantic Cynic
by cptofthebluerose June 25, 2011
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A drug involving cynicism and pirates.
Arrrr!-cynic, while potentially lethal, makes for some fun times.
by Haragorn August 28, 2010
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cynical grave is the best crip walker on earth, he crip walks in red shoes yeahyeah audio maker cool
ayo this nigga cynical grave is hot as fuck
by CG360 April 5, 2021
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The act of shoving a bottle rocket in your pee hole, and inserting it into a girl's vagina.
I just gave Scott a Cynical Sam.
by Princess TRiZ June 13, 2011
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You seem like one yourself by complaining about it and acting like you aren't cynical. Now that's cynical.
by master bates IV September 7, 2003
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A person who see things to be worse beyond all other views, over the top with sarcastic gloom and doom.
My glass is empty and half full of spit.
by bolex bros. July 9, 2003
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A faultfinding pessimist who is always judging and not afraid to speak his mind and tell you that you suck.
Everything is a mess and will always be a mess - Daniel the Cynic
by Dreadqueen February 4, 2021
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