1- parallel, along the same vein, side by side
2- corresponding; accompanying, concomitant
3- being aside from the main subject, target, or goal
4- relating to a collateral in the sense of an obligation or security
5- expensive to the extent of being paid through a loan
6- acting in an indirect way
7- coming or directed along the side
8- collateral relative
by MONJZWY June 14, 2023
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A collateral in video games is when a bullet hits multiple people. Most of the time people are talking about getting 2+ kills with one bullet when they say it however. Just dealing damage to multiple opponents would be collateral damage.
Bro I just hit a 3k collateral with the awp, it was amazing!
by bdiggles23 April 19, 2023
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Bilateral collateral whiz(male oriented).....when you go to whiz and a pubic hair has become lodged at the end of your weiner,bisecting the “hole”.this causes whiz to come out multidirectionally,missing the toilet and often soaking the floor
When my wife slipped on the toilet floor due to my bilateral collateral whiz from evening before,I knew I was in trouble!
by bruno gaboni June 21, 2018
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\ kə-ˈla-t(ə-)rəl ˌ ˈdrä-mə , ˈdra-\ -- Anxieties induced by over exposure to the troubles, trials, and tribulations, incessantly retold by friends and co-workers.
Jobie was asked, by her manager, to work from home, as her personal life was causing too much collateral drama within the tightly knit cubical workspace.
by Rambose Fierce August 16, 2018
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Getting multiple kills with a single bullet since the bullet passed through one enemy and hit the other(s). Originated from the military term for unintended consequences of military operations.

In some shooters, this is either completely impossible or only possible under certain circumstances. For example, you can only get collateral kills in Splatoon 2 with charger-class weapons.
In some shooters, certain weapons might still qualify for collateral damage despite having splash damage. For example, the Spartan Laser in Halo qualifies for collateral damage because the laser can pierce through players.

Alternatives: Pierce Kills, Penetration Kills, Chain Kills, One-Bullet Combos, X Birds with One Stone/Bullet
Shortened: Collateral
(from a YouTube video)
Oh, baby a triple! Oh yeah! And that was my triple collateral in Free-For-All.

(custom example)
Would you believe that some player with a charger got insane collateral damage on us?! One shot with the E-Liter, and my team was wiped. We lost that Turf War HARD.
by The_Epicness9000 May 21, 2020
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a military act with an unintended favorable consequence
every landmine the invaders laid turned out to be duds which were eventually harvested, recycled, monetized and repurposed by the oppressed victims into arms they were able to fashion into

The area of land bombed by their adversary was host to an invasive species that threatened the livestock of the entire region providing a collateral benefit to the survivors in the aftermath.
by Hermathecles January 17, 2020
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1. Noun
Noun: Collateral Dance; Plural noun: Collateral Dances

1. Unwilling bystander who doesn't want participate in a dance, but nevertheless gets involved by influences from peer pressure, drunk party-goers and other external sources.

2. Verb
Verb: Collateral Dance; 3rd person present: Collateral Dances; past tense: Collateral Danced; past participle: Collateral Danced; gerund or present participle: Collateral Dancing

1. The act of involving an unwilling bystander in a (group)dance, thereby making this victim a Collateral Dance.
"John wasn't planning to join in on the Macarena, but when his drunk friends pulled him in the middle of the dancefloor he just had to dance."

"Yeah man, he totally was a Collateral Dance"

"Dude, Danielle has been sticking to her seat all night, we should totally get her on the dancefloor!"

"Oh my god yes, we just have to Collateral Dance her"
by DJ dictionary October 27, 2018
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