A vagina with a muscular vaginal wall, for extra sensation
"Damn, Mary has a nice snapper!"
by Masked Pillager November 24, 2002
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After orgasm, if left in position, as the male organ softens, and the muscles of the vaginal walls haven't been stretched, in child birth, for example, at some point, the flacid penis will be ejected, not with an audible "snap" as the title would indicate, but with a reaction not found in post-parturition vaginas.

The current trend is for more women to opt for Caesarian Section to avoid pesky labor and to maintain their "snatchlasticity.
He wants me to have a C-Section because he likes my Snapper,... and I like his cuddling.
by Furb March 31, 2006
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A moderately sized bong load, intended to be smoked in one hit.
Hey Cliff, I just packed you a snapper in the three footer. Go ahead and clear that so I can load myself up one.
by humboldt hero April 3, 2011
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Early to mid 80s vernacular for an attractive young woman. Popular in Massachusetts and nearby regions of adjacent New England states. Often pronounced as "snappa".
A "Do you think she's pretty?"
B "Definitely! She's a wicked snappa!"
by asimplename December 31, 2005
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A gang-related nickname; most commonly used in mexican gangs, often given to one with a short temper.
Young Snapper, Mr. Snapper, Snapper Loc
by EcksFoe May 13, 2008
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An Irish term used to describe an infant or toddler.
That little snapper filled his nappie with so much shite it ran down his legs.
by navillus March 5, 2004
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I could sure go for a boiled snapper with relish and mustard right about now.
by Dabn September 6, 2007
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