2 definitions by wassaahhhhh

the liquid that is ejaculated when watching porn on the interwebs
I need to secure for all my information, file, document, number phone, and the first I need secure from the cybercream or some one want to do the criminal. I am not IT but the owner from SINAR DANIT COMPANY AND SINAR SAKTI MATRA NUSANTARA COMPANY. Help me to make and know for make website for promotion and my staff can use sinardanit website to server secure and protect privacy from someone try to do global criminal or cybercream. Thank You.
by wassaahhhhh May 11, 2015
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a form of gluten which destroys the rectum
"If you don't believe in Jesus, you are in idiot. Atheists are crazy......genoungh" - Steve Harvey
by wassaahhhhh March 25, 2016
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