43 definitions by trent

Ya know, when booties... uh... they uh... well, they... battle. Yeah.
by trent August 23, 2003
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The hymen considered as a symbol of virginity.
by trent August 10, 2003
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a place where n00bs and elitists combine to form a very dysfunctional online community.
Home of the elusive Boonjam
by trent February 28, 2005
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Someone who says dumb weird crap, often in a dramatic way. They would be called flakey, crazy, or just weird but a fruitcrate differs in that they seem slightly more out of touch with reality. Also, zero situational awareness.
Normal Person: “What are you doing tonight?”
Fruitrcrate: “No, the questions is what are YOU doing tonight?”

Normal Person: “….”
Fruitcrate: “Is it hot enough for ya!?!”

Normal Person: “I would like a big mack combo and a medium vanilla shake
Fruitcrate: “Sorry sir this is Wendys”
Normal Person: “What?”
Fruitcrate: “Just kiddin’ HAR HAR! Drive around”
by trent April 13, 2005
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people who have longish hair, wear baggy clothing and listen to heavy music. TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM PUNX, but we usually get on. have a habit of getting targetted by chavs/rudies/cunts cos they look a bit wierd and dont look hard. in this case, us punx, who look hard, must stand up adn tell em to fuck off because, however good they think they are, greebos DO NOT tell chavs to fuck off. if they do they get beat the shit into, which us punx dont cos we acctually fight. generally ok people, so leave them alone, espescially if they're hangin with punx.
Chav: ay look bled! some fukin greebo biatches, innit? lets cruise over and lick em up!
Greebos: oh shit. chavs.
Punx: Fuck off you cheap cunts, unless you want a bottle round your fucking head
Chavs: oh shit bled! hard ass mofos! split bled, split! before we iz done in like the cunts we are, beld!
Greebos: thanks
Punx: shutup and learn to fight man.

by trent April 19, 2005
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To take part in a boxing match with.
Let us box.
by trent August 17, 2003
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