87 definitions by stuart fletcher

1) Literal, Biblical; The wings of an angel.
2) Offensive, Slang; (Of a woman) Fat which gathers at the top of the arms, usually at the back so when she lifts her arms up, the flabbyness is revealed. Also known as 'Bingo Wings' for this reason.
1) Seraphim had angel wings.
2) Sarah had angel wings...
by stuart fletcher January 19, 2005
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Internet representation;

A series of characters set out to represent the male genitalia.

'<' is the head of the penis.
'==' is the shaft of the penis.
'8' is the scrotum and testes.
INTERN00B: "Charleeeeeyyy!"
CHARLY: "What?"
INTERN00B: "Look what I can do! <==8"
CHARLY: "Is that meant to be a cock?"
INTERN00B: "YEAH, look! {@} <==8"
CHARLY: "Wow."
INTERN00B: "Hehehehehehehehehe ;p;"
by stuart fletcher February 8, 2005
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Due to disputes between the United States and Britain over impressment of US Soldiers to the British Navy and the naval blockade by Britain on Napoleonic France aswell as disputes over the Northern Territories in Canada, America declared war on Britain.
During the course of the 3-year war, America won a series of naval battles, although failing to make an impression into British territory on land due to British aggression. The most prominent of American victories being those at York (Toronto) and after the war had ended officially, at the battle of New Orleans. British forces invading America lost the battle of Baltimore and succeeded to burn Washington DC (which was saved by a heavy rainstorm).
The territory Britain did capture was handed back after the war, as were the gains of America...
What a stupid pointless conflict.
And what happened to the blockade on France? It continued! And Britain smashed the French Navy at the Battle of Trafalgar and pummeled Napoleon at Waterloo, with the help of the faithful Prussians. Thanks Germany, we know who our REAL friends are!

Just kidding, thankfully now Anglo-American relations are just peachy.
by stuart fletcher November 3, 2004
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1) <adj> Feeling a desire to drink.
2) <adj> Causing thirst.
3) <adj> Expressing a desire to want something.
4) <adj> Chiefly British slang; A exceptionally attractive female (or man, respectively) who is "thirsty for sperm."

--> From Old English: 'Thurst'
That Phidippides must have been thirsty after running 140 miles from Marathon to Sparta in 2 days.

Running 140 miles in two days is thirsty work.

I am thirsty to win that tournament!

SCOTT: "I've just seen a girl; She was thirsty."
FLETCH: "How do you know?"
SCOTT: "I mean she was thirsty for sperm!"
FLETCH: "Show me the girl."
by stuart fletcher May 10, 2005
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<verb><noun> Slang;

1) To rub one's genitals between a pair of breasts to cause orgasm.

2) Offensive slang; An insult.
1) "Oh my god, I am having the uberest orgasm ever due to this extremely nice tit-wank you have bestowed upon my person."

2) "Dave, you silly tit-wank get back here before I burn your gerbil."
by stuart fletcher January 18, 2005
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British slang
Yet another coined term meaning the contents of the testicles.
However "plaster of penis" is usually too wordy to actually thread into a sentence and so is never often used as a metaphor for come/cum.
"Fredrick the novelist was having enormous trouble including 'Plaster of Penis' into his pornographic literature, as it spoiled the rhythm of his sentence structure."
"Father MacDougall made a tissue sculpture using plaster of penis as his glue."
by stuart fletcher November 3, 2004
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1) <verb> To put fins onto an arrow's body to increase it's accuracy. The name "Fletcher" comes from this trade, usually a Fletcher was one who made the entire arrow, not just Fletching.
2) <noun> Usually the nickname of anyone with the name of 'Fletcher.'
FLETCHER: "I am a Fletcher, I Fletch."

LAD: "Hey Fletch."
FLETCH: "T'allreet lad."
by stuart fletcher January 19, 2005
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