21 definitions by skrudge

worn by bloods because of the big red B
no example for red sox cap
by skrudge January 12, 2008
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A call for the Blood gang ususally followed by SUH WOOP
by skrudge January 12, 2008
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Something Snoop (Doggy) Dogg does all by himself! Fuck!
I can't do all this laundry, good thing I got the
D-O-double G on speed dial!
by skrudge December 30, 2008
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He does his own laundry? How fucking core!!!!!
Snoop Dogg does his own laundry AND raps. Can you say "multitalented"?
by skrudge December 30, 2008
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The clown walk is based on the Crip walk but is much faster and more intricate. Unlike the Crip walk, it is strictly a dance. It is done by people who do not want to be mistaken for Crips, and it has different styles and moves. Other names include the "krypt walk", "clownin'", "cwalkin" with no capital c, "crown walk".
There are some moves in the clown walk that look like Crip walk moves, but it is strictly a dance.
by skrudge January 2, 2008
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is the Blood version of the Crip walk.
he threw his set up and did the bskip while wearing a red bandana in his back right pocket, to indicate that he was a Blood.
by skrudge January 2, 2008
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THe footwork dance performed by Swoops (Bloods) to signal membership in the Blood gang. Compare and contrast the more famous Crip Walk. The Swoop Walk is slightly different and involves shuffling and jumping around, sometimes spelling out Blood or the local set with one foot while shuffling with the other.
The Crip yelled, "UHRIIIIP!" and in response the blood put on a red baseball cap and did the swoop-walk while throwing a B with his hands.
by skrudge January 12, 2008
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