6 definitions by scotstee

The actual origin of this slang term for gay-acting men/behavior comes from the word Bestie, combined with the queer trend of switching the first letter of a word with a Z, like how Daddy becomes Zaddy. Zestie is an alternate spelling.
Gay Man 1: Hey Zesties!
Gay Man 2: Hey Zesty
Straight Man 1: Wtf this ain't Burger King
by scotstee April 16, 2023
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A black adjacent rapper. A rapper who is ethnically mixed or biracial. Targets of gatekeeping by "woke" holier-than-thou Twitter SJWs.
Y'all... Doja Cat and Cardi B are bladjrs.
by scotstee May 25, 2020
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A portmanteau of straight + faggot. Sometimes abbreviated as "strag".

It is a deflective term used by gays that refers to (usually) homophobic straight males, but can also be used broadly to describe any bigoted, basic or belligerent straight person who is painfully straight.
Janis: "Regina is too straight to function. Is this her third boyfriend this week?"
Damian: "She's been acting like a straggot ever since Shane Oman dumped her. She threw twelve dodgeballs at me in gym class yesterday. I counted."
Cady: "Straggot? What does that mean? Regina is a straggling goat?"
Janis: "You're so hopeless, Cady, it's adorable."
by scotstee January 8, 2022
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Drinking a shot that's been poured into a man's foreskin.

A very common occurrence in the UK among friends that play rugby.
William: Bruh he just done a London Tipton
George: He took a shot out of his cock? No way
by scotstee September 20, 2021
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To sneak behind someone's back in the hopes of catching them unaware. A term popularized in gaming communities that has two definitions depending on the context:

1) On TV shows like Big Brother and Survivor, a backdoor tactic involves playing an item that grants a player immunity on the agreed upon target at the latest possible moment. This makes it so that the actual target who you plan to vote for, to eliminate, has as little time as possible to scramble to get enough votes to keep themselves alive in the game. Keeping them in the dark about the plan to eliminate them until the latest moment also may make them less likely to try harder in challenges, mistakenly believing they'll be safe, when in actuality they're the one being targeted. This is similar to a "blindside", but to "backdoor" someone refers specifically to a plan that involves removing someone who is in danger off the chopping block and setting up another player for elimination.

2) In MOBAs like League of Legends, a backdoor is a tactic that usually involves one strong player splitting away on their own with the goal of sneaking behind enemy lines while the enemy team is distracted elsewhere and destroying their base (specifically their nexus) to win the game before they can react in time to stop you. Made famous by xPeke who infamously backdoored SK Gaming with Kassadin.
Rob: So, everyone is on board to backdoor Russell?
Sandra: Yes. Play your immunity idol on me tonight, Rob, and we'll all backdoor his dirty ass out of this game.
Rob: I can't wait to see his face when he realizes he's being backdoored.
Sandra: He's so stupid, he probably won't realize what's going on until after Jeff snuffs out his torch.
by scotstee April 6, 2022
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Proof that God exists.
I'm atheist, but that man ass got me questioning.
by scotstee November 11, 2022
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