13 definitions by pookleblinky

A soporific herb consumed in tea form by vegans, wombat nuzzlers, and other idiots. Causes temporary mental retardation and pronounced loss of motor control.
That guy just ran over a gas pump! He must be on Kava!
by pookleblinky December 4, 2004
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First used in T.S. Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. Used to express admiration if a woman does a very cute and clever thing. Chanted with variations in rhythm and extra syllables.
by pookleblinky November 23, 2004
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A deep depression which can only be solved Hemingway style, blowing clouds of cotton fluffing all over.
That eeyorish guy sleeping under the bridge? I heard he jumped off it and landed on a dachschund. Killed both.
by pookleblinky December 4, 2004
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A Wombat nuzzler is a breed of moonbat, with a distinctive combination of ecofascism, buddhism, anti-Semitism, dhimmitude, and psuedoscience. Unlike the common moonbat, who usually expresses one of these traits at a time, the wombat nuzzler displays all these qualities simultaneously when threatened.
I was out on a date with this hot girl. We were eating cooscoos, then a car back-fired or something. She suddenly began screaming, saying,"And Buddha-love-no-think-non-mind will kill the bushitler-sympathizer crypto-Jew Bill Gates if his nazi SUVs keep killing Palestinian bushbabies in the BIGGEST INFANTICDAL HOLOCAUST SINCE THE 2000 ELECTION!" Why do I keep dating crazy fucking wombat nuzzlers?
by pookleblinky November 29, 2004
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The belief that the life of a wombat or a mosquito is more valuable than that of a human, and the willingness to hold a gun to the head of anyone who disagrees.
"I'm not an ecofascist! I'm just saying, that if you own cats, you should be willing to kill your children to make more room in your budget to feed them."
by pookleblinky November 30, 2004
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It is a cat greeting, originally created to greet a kitten named Babatounde. Variations can be added, as long as they have the "b" sound and are funny.
Bibble babble the bosh-the Babatounde
by pookleblinky December 4, 2004
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