120 definitions by pmax

A female who is physically attractive but also racist; a hottie who dislikes black people.
Bob: What do you think about Amy? She's pretty hot, I think I might ask her out.

Fred: Dude, she's decent looking, but have you talked to her much? All she says is nigger this, spic that. It gets pretty old.

Bob: Oh, so she's kute klux klan?

Fred: Yeah, dude. You should look elsewhere.
by pmax February 10, 2008
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The act of hooking up with a Cleveland Brown; banging a girl who is ugly but has a nice body; getting with a butterface; shagging a bagger.
Brian went Cleveland Browning the other night. He slept with a girl with a really hot body, but her face was gross.
by pmax March 9, 2008
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Code for knee grow, with patella substituted for knee and expand substituted for grow. It is a subtle way of saying negro or to otherwise refer to an African American in a coded way.
Cori: "Who am I looking for?"

Craig: "He's right there."

Cori: "Who? Which person?"

Craig: "The . . . uh . . . patella expand."

Cori: "Oh, I see; he is right there . . . "
by pmax February 12, 2008
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Hogging; banging a fat chick. Putting on beer goggles to be a chubby chaser and bag a fat bitch. Being a chocolatier and having sex with a lardass. Fat bagging is the same as nail the whale. To screw a plumper, perhaps as a slumpbuster.
Pat really wanted a piece of ass last night so he went fat bagging and shagged a chubbette. She was quite an eater, very hoggy, and therefore he was the butt of many a joke the next morning because he got fat bitched, and that added to his fatty remorse despite the fact that he had really enjoyed that buffet blimp's big tits.
by pmax April 13, 2008
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To fuck a plumper. What a hogger or fat bagger does with a fat chick. To bed a lardass.
Greg did the old plumpfuck with an enormous sophomore last weekend. She had an immense ass.
by pmax March 15, 2008
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1. A hilarious movie, made in 1984 but still fun today, in which nerds go to college and jocks and cheerleaders pick on them. The nerds form a chapter of a fraternity that previously only had black people in it. Then the nerds wreak revenge on the jocks and cheerleaders including by staging a panty raid on a sorority house. The movie climaxes with the nerds putting on a concert in which Poindexter plays an electric violin while the nerds play music and the African American nerd raps. The nerds and a fat chick sorority then take control of campus. The movie was followed by Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise. The movie featured characters such as Poindexter, Booger, Lamar Latrell, Wormser, Lewis and Gilbert and Takashi.

2. Any situation in which nerds strike back at people who are cool or who torment nerds or any other misfit group.

"Let's watch a really funny 1980s movie tonight."

"How about Revenge of the Nerds?"

"Great idea!"


"Did you hear that all of the shower heads in the football locker room were filled with Super Glue?"

"Are you kidding? That's great! It's Revenge of the Nerds!"

"Yeah, just like when all those pizzas got ordered to Biff's party just before the cops busted it and cited all those dumb jocks for having beer!"
by pmax February 12, 2008
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The result when a person inserts their own penis into their own ass. So called because it looks like the handle on a jug.
He has a big pecker, and after coming home from the bar alone last night, he gave it to himself in the ass, creating a jughandle.
by pmax February 10, 2008
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