18 definitions by phroot

1. (n) A person who will sleep with nearly anyone (sometimes regardless of gender) for financial gain.

The adjective form of "Whore" would be "Whore-like" or "Whore-ish", and can be used to describle style of dress or behaviors that would correspond with a whore.

"Whore" is most often used when referring to a female who exhibits said characteristics. When in reference to males, the term "Man-Whore" is often used.

See also: slut
Guy: "Hey, how much for a blowjob?"

Whore: "$50 bucks."

Guy: "Sounds good", *ziiip* "Get to work."
by phroot August 21, 2008
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1. (n) One who exhibits slut- or whore-like qualities, but is known to be more filthy, dirty, and of lower moral standards than the average slut.

"Skeeze" was formed by combination of the words "skank" and "sleeze", and can be used in an adjective form, i.e. "skeezy" or "skeeze-like". Generally "skeeze" implies qualities that are lower than those of a skank, sleeze, slut, or whore.

See also: skank, sleeze/sleaze
Guy #1: "Jesus.. look at that girl.. is that a skirt or a belt? I can't tell.."
Guy #2: "Stay away from that man.. I've heard that she has more crabs than Red Lobster, and that she let some guy piss in her mouth for $5."
Guy #1: "Holy shit.., what a skeeze..."
by phroot August 21, 2008
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1. A certain vibe that fills the air when Emo's conglomerate. It is often felt outside of "My Chemical Romance" concerts.
2. The smell of an Emo kid's greasy un-washed hair.
3. The smell of Patchouli.

It is sometimes hyphenated.
Guy #1: "Hey man, let's go to th- wait... do you smell that?"

Guy #2: "Yeah... Emo Stench.."

Guy #1: "Shit. Let's get out of here before we wind up reeking like them."
by phroot August 21, 2008
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1. Intelligent people who hate Emo Kids, and everything else pertaining to the Emo "lifestyle". Emo Haters do not hate people that show emotions or feelings. Emo Haters hate Emo Kids exclusively.
Guy #1: "Man, look at that Emo faggot."
Guy #2: "Are you an Emo Hater?"
Guy #1: "Yeah, I am. That Emo kid thinks that displaying the Emo 'label' will make up for his lack of personality and social ineptitude."
by phroot August 21, 2008
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1. The mental warning (red flag) you get when detecting a homosexual vibe upon first meeting someone

2. The traditional rainbow-colored flag representative of the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered community.
(1) Guy #1:"Dude, when I first met Dave, I saw an immediate Fag Flag."

Guy #2: "Totally, he was just radiating gayness."

(2) Dave: "Oh yeah, let's go there, there's a Fag Flag in the window, I bet we can meet hotties there!"
by phroot March 5, 2009
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1. The term used to describe two people cuddled up together so tight that their body heat creates a warm sensation.

Remaining in this position for a length of time would be referred to as "baking a cuddlebun".

Well sweets, how about after you get off work you come over here. We'll throw on a movie and bake a nice cuddlebun.
by phroot March 27, 2009
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1. An object, made of rubber or other pliable synthetic material, that is shaped like a knife.

2. A device used to generate various band names, i.e., The Rubber Knives, RubbaNife, Da RubbaNyfe Krew, etc.

3. An object used to irritate Adam and scare cats.
1. Man, that rubber knife solves everything!
2. Hmm...lets try to think of a country band name from rubber Knife
3. *stab* *stab* rubba knife!!! rubba knife! *stab* *stab*
by phroot December 20, 2007
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