53 definitions by moo

A device used to rid of things you don't want someone to find or be caught with, usually hash or related objects.
The cops showed up, so I flushed my stash in the toilet.
by moo January 24, 2005
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slush and ice that hurts when it is made into a snowball and thrown at you. it is NOT soft powder or white. it is usually mixed with mud and dirt and has a dir ty quality about it. or it is ice and not snow at all. the latter is usually the case.
this snow in georgia is retarded.
by moo January 30, 2005
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Absolutly Great.

Synonyms: elite, Darkz, hard (not the cock ones the tough ones)

Antonyms: dumb-ass, tard, George W. Bush, Nigger 5000, Eddison, etc....
Dude, i wish i could be Ominay
by moo January 2, 2004
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Lemons girl! She eats munkey nipples
Yo dude thats like brinn dude
by moo February 15, 2004
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Any Claymate's must-have accessory when engaging in any Clay Aiken, viewing, listening, and most importantly MEETING!!! It is used to cool off and refresh the subsequenly hot and bothered!
Look at that great "Waldo" pic.....eeeeks I need a spritz!
by moo August 10, 2004
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a pot smoking Mexi-Canadian from Quebec
That kronix fool had a bong full of tequila
by moo March 2, 2005
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