1 definition by mjsnsjxn

A smart, independent girl.

She will forever fight for you but don’t get on her bad side as she can be feisty.
She is funny, sweet and beautiful

She can pull anyone in the blink of an eye with her beauty as she draws everyone’s eyes as soon as she walks into the room but tends to reject people often, if a Tabitha were to say yes to you, keep her, loosing her will be the worst thing to happen to you.
If you’re too meet a Tabitha don’t be fooled by her innocent jokes, she doesn’t mean too hurt you, she just tends to have a dark sense of humour.
she’s a very creative person and looks at everything in an unique way.
if you have a Tabitha keep her forever.
Richard: Woah! Who’s that?
Stacy: She must be a Tabitha! Look at her!
by mjsnsjxn November 24, 2020
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