10 definitions by mistweb

bits per second; rate of information transfer, hence 'baud-rate'; see Information theory; also kilo-baud (kb)- thousands of baud, mega-baud (Mb) - millions of baud.
A 56 kb modem can send data at 56,000 bits per second down the wire.
by mistweb October 13, 2003
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If we're not taling computers, then it's got a small k and means a thousand of whatever follows, eg 1 km = 1000 m, 1 kg = 1000 g etc.

If we are talking about computers or other binary systems, then it refers to 1024 times, and it gets a capital K, e.g 1 Kb = 1024 b, 4KB = 4096 B etc.

Honest, confusing but true.
by mistweb October 13, 2003
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Binary digIT - the least amount of information there is, i.e. yes or no, true or false, on or off. Eight bits make a byte
What is the bit-rate of that modem? How many bits per second does it handle?
by mistweb October 13, 2003
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OK to shoot. Comes from animal hunting - yuk.
Microsoft are such a bunch of wankers that their servers are fair game for hackers and virus writers
by mistweb October 13, 2003
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Some people would say camel case, but actually camels only have humps in the middle likeThis. People are now calling bi-capitalisation PascalCase, cos in the old days we used to use it for names of things in the computer language called Pascal.
The integer variable NumberOfDogs should be set to zero here.
by mistweb October 13, 2003
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