152 definitions by m

variant of meathead, but with the bovine provlivity of standing around blinking stupidly when any word of more than one syllable is spoken to them. Beefheads are also more heavily built than meathead. Academics are currently devising a standardised physiological test which will be able to identify which football players are meatheads and which qualify as beefheads
by m May 16, 2003
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kids that kiss infront of b.c. 's locker
yo did you see those kids kissing infront of blaines locker? it was disgusting
by m April 2, 2003
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Hey, I am so gripped, I could eat anything right now. Or, man, I wish I had some grip,I can watch anything stupid and think it is the funniest thing I have ever seen!
by m January 14, 2004
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Leticia is such a faghag, hanging out with those gay men so much.
by m January 18, 2004
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variant of tuna bowl. Fierce tuna bowls occur when you got one of those athletic chicks (the feminist type that don't shave or at least trim) and they decide to go do some physically demanding activity, like playing soccer or running a marathon. During the activity they drink lots of FIERCE GATORADE(TM) and sweat like fat guys at 10PM when the AYCE buffet is closing. Afterwards, they neglect to wash themselves or their undies, and in fact, leave them on.
A: "So how did he die?"
B: "Well, you know that damn girlfriend of his--always running marathons and all sorts of that bullshit--plus he's a little bitch. Anyway, he went down on her after one of her "training sessions" and next thing you know... Doctors are calling it death by asphyxia, but his family is trying to press charges."
A: "On what grounds?"
B: "Well, they want to get FIERCE TUNA BOWLS added to hate crime laws."
A: "Ohhhhh..."
by m January 31, 2005
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"Damn, temp got a huge cock all the ladies wanna handle"
by m May 14, 2004
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