5 definitions by lil.wayne

The United States of America is a country that boarders Canada and Mexico, and contains 50 states. The US is a capitalist country that hates communism and a lot of other radical ideas. American society in theory is good, with its extreme patriotism, but that can escalate to nationalism which is not good. It also has a lot of messed up messages, like "eat this burger, it tastes good, it's cheap and you can get it in under ten minutes" but they also say to eat healthy and look like fucking Arnold Schwarzenegger and Calvin Klein models. American Society has a lot of other bad qualities, like racism, sexism and politics. America's society is definitely better than a lot of others but, this seems to make it cocky and ignorant of its problems like a twisted little rich kid that got all his money from his dad and thinks he is immune to any kind of imperfection. American Society is constantly contradicting itself and doesn't know how to make its mind, and overall has ruined a lot of lives.
Boy 1: American Society really needs to fix itself, like what's up with all these school shootings, sexual harassment charges, obesity, opioid epidemics, anti LGBTQ rights, body shaming...
Boy 2: Yeah man wtf, wanna move to Canada with me and have two kids?
Boy 1: Of course bro ilysm.
by lil.wayne March 9, 2019
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A group of people who represent states, and are the ones that do the actual voting. It's also the reason why Trump got elected, despite the fact that more people voted for Hillary. The electoral college is why your vote probably doesn't matter. (still vote though it's good for you)
The electoral college is the worst and it makes me want to cry.
by lil.wayne March 9, 2019
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The part of the woman that blood comes out of once a month. Or the place where a pig stores his money.
Dude 1: Yeah yesterday I got full view of her ham wallet. ;)
Dude 2: Sick bro. I love stealing from innocent swine.
by lil.wayne March 9, 2019
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Lucky Charms is the best cereal. The best part is 100% the marshmallow bits because they are colorful and some of them are shaped like unicorns. The mascot for lucky charms is a little leprechaun and some dumb kids are always trying to steal his treasure. Stay away from Sir Charms.
Lucky Charms are magically delicious!!!
by lil.wayne March 9, 2019
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Sometimes referred to as a "vape pen", juuls are things high schoolers use to get high. There are a lot of flavors, mango, gummy bear, cotton candy, and your mama's dick. Girls hide it in their bras because there's no one that juuls that is of the legal age. Not sure what guys do, maybe their sock?
Girl 1: Yesterday I was so sad what do I do?
Girl 2: Juul! Smokin nic and sucking dick baby! gang gang
by lil.wayne March 9, 2019
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