70 definitions by liam

Bahoo is basically a word that you can use to point at people and say to them if they look like a fool! Pronounced Ba-oo with a silent h! You can also use words like Bowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww or Whoooooooooooooooo whilst pointing at the idiot!
Bowwwwwwww look at you your dying!
by liam January 7, 2004
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A sad friendless home county wannabee that supports a football team in a city that they have never visited
by liam October 12, 2003
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Pantera/Down/Crowbar bass player 1 of the best in the world
hehe he was called Rex Rocker in the Glam Dayz of Pantera
by liam November 14, 2003
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The fart is an explosion of revolting air which is produced through your ass!
Types of fart are th "silent but violent" type as these are quiet but absolutely stink!!!!!!! (may cause pain between the cheeks)
Liam: Did you fart?
Ben: Yes.
by liam January 9, 2004
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ian - "hey man, what do ut think about pitchshifter??"
Liam - "they rae a really cool band"
by liam March 17, 2003
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"look at that fucking window licking spastic"
"oooh man that was stoopish"
by liam January 12, 2004
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Japanese word meaning obsessive fan of anything.Somewhat derogatory meaning that you put your interest above all else. Westerners tend to use it without the derogatory connotations. Rather, an otaku is someone who is a dedicated fan of anime and/or manga.
Example? Example? Example?
by liam March 2, 2005
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