5 definitions by jOX

adj.Dealing with an avid internet user.
That jox guy's cool.
by jOX February 24, 2004
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n Assorted randomness.
adj Dealing with assorted randomness.
That's too mantako for me.
by jOX February 24, 2004
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The hottest hangout in the history of mankind. Also known as "NT" www.newstoday.com
"Oi! You! Where ya been?"
"Sup beyotch, me been browsin' NT"
"No kiddin dawg, ditto!"
by jOX September 17, 2003
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Rigel Santos is a wild animal usually of the asian kind. Bred from the biggest ballas in balla nayshun. Kid rolls deep dont fuck with him. Navy Seal Crack Dilla Fookt Up On XTC, Uzi's n shit.
"shit man i roll with rigel"
"i'm hungry lets have a rigel"
by jOX January 27, 2005
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when a chik lays flat on her stomach (naked) and an illusiv young man comes from behind and places his john thomas in her ass and starts rocking to a fro in the shape of a banana. quite amusing may i add especially on dutch porn channels.
by jOX March 20, 2003
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