2 definitions by inlovewithKG

The most precious thing on earth to me in the entire world. My rock, my love, my other half. My light. He is so strong. Eye I have known him since childhood. Cordae is so outgoing, he carries a shine wherever he goes. Words do not describe his greatness. The games we used to play on the playground were the happiest times of my life. Tackle Tag. Watching you goof off in music class... and thinking it was all for me. All those talks on Red and Blue lunchroom tables laughing until our abs hurt. I am never getting you out of my head.... the embraces we shared, looking eye to eye. When you caressed my face. Walking home from the bus, and hearing you hollering to me from the other side of the park about my dance moves, it's funny and embarrassing at the same time. I feel so close to you, yet eye am so far away. It is physically impossible. I want to see you, I want to talk to you. If only we still knew each other, how different life would be. Eye love you Cordae Nance, always will, never won't. A place in my heart belongs to you, even if there isn't a spot for me in yours, Eye love you for eternity.
"when I first laid my eyez on you cordae Nance I knew eye would love you for eternity " - RV
by inlovewithKG May 4, 2023
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Ka'myll is sweet, beautiful, and loves volleyball. She explores her options (she likes both genders) when it comes to dating but she tends to find the wrong ones. She is super smart but doesn't want to admit it. She has a soft spot for people who are kind to her but don't take her kindness for weakness. Ka'myll is the most beautiful person you will ever come to see. Her body is 10000000/10 and she is crazy good in bed. Her smile is enough to blind you with happiness. Her personality is radiant and she is kind to the ones who respect her and care about her. She plays a "big and bad" role but deep down inside there is always a part of her that is scared. Ka'myll is popular and is envied by many. She loves dogs and hanging out with friends. She is spontaneous and knows how to make people laugh especially on a bad day, or make herself known in a crowd. She is very understanding and is a great relationship partner.
Person 1: Who is that? She is fucking beautiful!

Person 2: I forget you're new. That's Ka'myll, and there is so much more to her than just being hot asf.
by inlovewithKG January 25, 2022
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