28 definitions by ihatebuffering

The act of a man, weraing boxers, pulling his penis up and tucking it into the waistband of his boxers so that only the head is showing and is pinned against his abdomen by the boxers' waistband, then pulling his balls out of the front of his boxers, thus simulating the neck and frill of a turkey. This trick is closely related to The Mongoose.
My friends were both enthused and horrified when i did The Turkey in front of them.
by ihatebuffering January 20, 2011
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The legs of a woman that have various noticible dimples due to the amount of cellulite.
That fat girl needs a different prom dress. Her cottage cheese legs are showing.
by ihatebuffering March 7, 2011
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A large, older van, typically brown or white in color, and often with tinted front windows and no windows in the back. Not all pedophile vans are used for the purpose of luring young children to kidnap with promises of candy or toys, but if somebody were to decide they wanted to do this, a pedophile van would be the perfect vehicle.
My friend just bought a total pedophile van. Either he is a rapist or has very poor choices in vehicles.
by ihatebuffering March 6, 2011
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I Hate My Girlfriend Syndrome. Suffered by thousands of men around the world who are trapped in relationships with annoying, bitchy, and/or clingy girlfriends. Awareness for IHMGS has been attempted to be raised by those who suffer from it, but their girlfriends made them go shopping with them.
Tom: My girlfriend has texted me fifteen times this past hour. I can't stand it.
Rick: Sounds like you got a case of IHMGS, buddy.
by ihatebuffering March 7, 2011
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The act of criticizing or reprimanding an action, while at the very same time performing the same action. (As noted by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show)
Sarah Palin, in an interview with Sean Hannity, criticized those on the left for placing blame on her demeanor for influencing the Tucson shooter, then in the same interview described the shooter as "left-leaning." This is a textbook anchorage steamer
by ihatebuffering January 20, 2011
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A particular brand of hick that is specifically found in the midwest. They are a combination of a drughead and a typical redneck. They act, dress, hunt, drive trucks, chew, and are intolerant like rednecks, but also do more drugs and drink more like a drughead. They are doomed to live in shiity podunk towns in the rural midwest forever.
Tom: Ray hasn't showed up to school in like two weeks.
Rick: Yeah, he's probably hunting and getting wasted. He's total prarie trash.
by ihatebuffering March 7, 2011
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Penis trick (which can only be performed by a circumcised male) in which an individual pushes the head of his penis into the ring of foreskin underneath the head (the Tweed Ring) until it can no longer be seen. The individual then lets go of his penis, causing the head to slowly reappear and return to its original position.
Larry showed me how to do the peeping richard today.
by ihatebuffering January 20, 2011
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