249 definitions by god

Term used mostly to define a power hungry very bias person.
Yes John, I would agree that he is being very Pandilex like.
by god November 4, 2004
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someone who smokes larges quatities of marijuana, often is constantly baked and mutter things like i have no idea whats going on right now and what were we just talking about?
dood i am such a f***ing pothead
by god October 13, 2003
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Son of Count Dracula ... supernatural powers to any who use this alias within the Gaming Realms ......
(After someone killed 100+ cstrike players) 'OMFG YOU JUST CRANKED THE MINIMUM CRITERIA FOR AN ALUCARD!'
by god March 6, 2003
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the greatest hiphop group in the world fro the poconos
i herd that guy willdabeast from d.o.l isnt really black
by god December 17, 2004
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The guy on Friends who had extremely violent weight fluctuations. He was pretty funny though.
Wasn't Chandler skinny in the previous episode? What happened!?
by god March 26, 2005
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An extremely confident italian person who plays poker, steals stuff, etc. Goes to the gym all the time,likes gettin drunk and hitting on people with his friends (usually poor but very loyal)
the Guitto stole a deck of cards and poker chips from walmart.
by god January 10, 2005
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the bane off all Yr 9's 10's and 11's
it is bollocks if you try and put it off for the night b4 it has to be in but you r always planning to do somthin the night you were going to do it!!!!
wellacre technology college has shit course work!!!!!!!!!!!!
by god May 14, 2003
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