52 definitions by eviL

A puppet made out of a sock usually used for entertaining yourself when your a fat loser and nobody will talk to.
Person: "I am a fat loser and nobody will talk to me and the only human contact I get is through anonymous chatrooms. I think I will make a puppet out of a sock for my entertainment.
by eviL October 19, 2003
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AWSOME Kickass MMORPG set to be released in January 2005
Holy dog shit man, Dark and Light rocks the Casbah!!!
by eviL July 10, 2004
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A box that is secret.
Person: "I need a box that is secret to put my stuff that is secret in so that all my stuff that is secret is secretly secrete in my secret box that is secretly keeping my secret stuff that I secretly use for secret stuff that I do secretly."
by eviL October 19, 2003
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i was rakin' taters and i broke mah shank...
by eviL September 6, 2003
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A brush for your teeth. Used for brushing your teeth using toothpaste or Whitening Toothpaste
Person: "I want a brush for my teeth so I can brush my teeth. I think I need to buy a tooth brush."
by eviL October 19, 2003
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Combination of retard and fuck. Random yet useful fusion of words. Typically used as an insult.
Joe shit on himself. What a refuck!
by eviL March 9, 2004
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