29 definitions by eugene

Origin: Seattle WTO protests

A derogatory term for someone who espouses radical anarchist rhetoric in person but in public denounces radicals and pushes a reformist agenda.
That guy will sell us out; he was a DANarchist during the WTO.
by eugene February 2, 2004
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Teamster lingo for a full time top pay-tiered UPS employee.
The brownies got taken care of in the last contract, but the casuals got jack shit.
by eugene February 2, 2004
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A derisive term for a union official that sold out the Hormel Strike of local P-9 UFCW in 1986. Org. Austin, Minnesota.
The P-10ers came and then we had to work with the scabs.
by eugene February 8, 2004
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person or people, usauly from cominuity service who clean up graffitti.
damn fool someone buffed my shit cu!!!
by eugene August 28, 2003
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A large wharehouse that sells poorly made household items made in china, warped lumber, and grossly underpays its employees.
I went down to the Home Despot to buy a can a spray paint and got fucking lost.
by eugene February 8, 2004
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