6 definitions by emthesmølchild

A British YouTuber (aka Amazing Phil) with 3.9 million subscribers. He is an actual angel. He has a smile of pure gold that radiates immense sunshine and happiness. Even tho his best friend Dan Howell (aka danisnotonfire) is more popular than him, he never stops smiling and supporting him. He has also created many different trends (eg, Toilet Tag, 7-Second Challenge, etc) and not been recognized for creating them; yet, he never complains about it. He is one of the original YouTubers and has literally been on YT longer than all of the famous YouTubers I can think of. He loves lions, mismatched socks, and his fans. He is almost 30 (on January 30th oml it's so close) yet seems to have the innocence of an eight year old. (Although we in the Phandom know better!!) There is so much more that I could say about him but I think this is probably too long, so, the last thing I would like to say is: Keep smiling, Phil. We love you for the sole reason that you're you. Never lose your adorable, innocent, immature, goofy personality. Never forget the cat whiskers. Never stop being you.
"It's a good thing to be strange. Normalness leads to sadness."
"You should never make fun of something that a person can't change about themselves."
"I would date Belle (the Disney princess) because...she saw the beauty within the beast. She knows it's what's on the inside that counts."
"You are better than toast."
~Phil Lester

...excuse me while I go CRAFT!!!
by emthesmølchild December 23, 2016
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A taxi sort of company that makes it possible for everyday people to earn money in their own cars. How this company works is that they hire people who pass background screening etc. Then said people (drivers) use their phones to sign in to the Uber site. When customers are in need of a quick ride somewhere, they can visit this site and see which Uber drivers are nearest them. Uber drivers use this as a way to either earn extra money in their spare time or as a full-time job and their only income.
Jane was in a rush and had no time to wait for the bus, so she checked the Uber website and found a fast ride!!

This definition author is now apologetic for sounding like a commercial....
by emthesmølchild June 30, 2016
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A stereotypical emo expression, along with :3, ^^, ^_^, etc. Used to sound kawaii etc. Not to be cringy but I use it a lot XD
"rawr xD" was the simple caption on Phil's latest dailybooth picture
by emthesmølchild March 1, 2017
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A thirteen year old baby who wears makeup and is obviously autotuned in his singing. His entire fan database consists of ten-year-old girls. My best friends little sister is in love with him and will KILL anybody who disses the supposedly ''bae'' '' singer.'' Jacob Sartorius pouts/poses in pictures like a 20-yr-old and doesn't know how to create thoroughly or even partially enjoyable ''music.''
Jacob Sartorius Fangirl: Oh my Godiva chocolate. Jacob Sartorius is bae!! He is sooooo BAE!!!❤❤❤
by emthesmølchild July 1, 2016
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Stands for Laugh Out Loud. Used to be typed out as a way to signify that the person ur communicating with said/did something funny but is now grossly overused and sometimes even said out loud. A lazy way to say "OMIGOSH UR SOOO FUNNY!!!"
Her joke wasn't that funny, so I uncertainty texted "LOL" and then left it at that.
by emthesmølchild June 28, 2016
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An emoticon replacement for LOL. Also, if you use ur imagination it can look a bit like a torture face. XD
XD I just spent the last five hours watching a Friends marathon!! #BestWasteOfMyLifeEver!!
by emthesmølchild June 28, 2016
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