19 definitions by elaine

term used at the end of a sentence that says, "ya feel me?" "ya get what im sayin?" "ya smell me?" "do you understand the extent of what i have just told you?"

Also used to ask the person being spoken to whether he or she would like to add to the statement.
Dont bother me again, kapish?

Im going to the store, kapish?
- yeah, pick me up some coke.
by elaine April 16, 2005
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somebody is using this term to say kidding
hahhaaahahha i'm just keeding with you.
by elaine April 15, 2005
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When someone is nearing the end of their senior year and they just can't get modivated about school, or responsibilities.
After prom senioritis was in full effect.
by elaine April 23, 2004
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A band that kicks ass! Especially with Lorelei and COME SAIL AWAY!
Styx is righteous, psychadelic, and amazingly flandiferous.
by elaine October 3, 2003
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