17 definitions by edgymofo

the most pointless thing ever, but you gotta wear them anyways. usually for protection from the cold weather but also to keep the creeps away from looking at you
Hey, put on some clothes before people stare at you like creeps.
by edgymofo December 12, 2021
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the word to describe the texture of an object that is sharp and long that has a shape of a horn
Damn, this cone looks horny, don't you think?
by edgymofo November 24, 2021
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abbreviation for: suck mah dick

usually used to show hatred for the person such as your ex, your friend, your arch nemesis, your bestie/when you're horny and you just want to get it over and done with
guy 1: hey, wassup bitch?
guy 2: SMD
by edgymofo November 24, 2021
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a word to describe coke/chocolate depending on the instance that the word is used.
Instance 1: I want that hot koko milk right now
Instance 2: Hey, get me that fizzy koko real quick.
by edgymofo December 12, 2021
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abbreviation for: inactive, usually used on nsfw twitter
I'm gonna be ia for a week, I will be back later.
by edgymofo December 13, 2021
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a word derived from spanish origins meaning: crazy
Yo, look at that person right there, running across the street, she's being such a loco right now
by edgymofo December 12, 2021
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global naked day (December 15th) is a day where you get naked for the whole day, going outside with clothes is optional but everyone participating in global naked day MUST be naked inside the house
Hey, have you heard that today is global naked day? What are clothes for? Let's get naked and be horny.
by edgymofo December 12, 2021
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