5 definitions by dmitri

The traditional greeting of southern, conservative, gun-loving, poor, white farmers, who also think the Confederate flag is the flag of the United States.

The term is also associated with hoboes, hicks and rednecks.

Rarely is the person to whom the gretting is addressed any sort of 'partner'. Except, possibly, in the context of an incestuous relationship between the two parties.
Hick 1: Howdy partner! What y'all doin' tonight?

Hick 2: I'm gonna 'ave me some cows for dinner!

Hick 3: I'm gonna go shoot me some trespassers with ma 12-gauge! I'll bring back the meat!

Hick 1: K, howdy y'all, I best be off, ma Doris want's some hot lovin, ya know!

Hick 2: Doris yo sister or Doris yo mothar?
by dmitri April 1, 2004
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rock means to fight,scrap etc.
"yo man im bout to rock dis foo"
by dmitri November 29, 2004
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Pink. To be pink. To show ones pink bits. To exude olive oil. To be Fully sik mate!(greek) Menopausal Alcoholic mother.
"Im trouble now, Yeah trouble yeah. Im trouble Ya'll. I got trouble in ma town"
by dmitri February 1, 2005
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One who rapes teddy bears. See blars.org
That sicko is a blars!
by dmitri June 3, 2004
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