3 definitions by dinodinoyumyum

A website where lego men simp for egirls in sex roleplays. Nothing more, nothing less.
Talveka: Hi Brick Hill community, im sad today
Literally every other user: Omg why r u sad this isnt acceptable
by dinodinoyumyum June 17, 2020
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A word that has literally no meaning but it's just fun to call people smags because it sounds really offensive and sexual
Guy 1: Hey
Guy 2: What
Guy 1: You're a smag
Guy 2: >:O
by dinodinoyumyum June 30, 2020
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adjective: (of a person) sexually attracted to individuals made of virtual bricks.

noun: a person who is sexually attracted to individuals made of virtual bricks.
loser: mom, dad, im bricksexual!

parents: jimmy ur adopted
by dinodinoyumyum June 21, 2020
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