4 definitions by colliser

Gandu Rashtra literal meaning Asshole Nation is a slang used by Indians against Indian political party Bhartiya Janata Party(BJP). It is used because BJP's agenda of Hindu Rashtra which is Fascist theory of killing every minority and form a Hindu Republic
Gandu Rashtra asambhav hai kyo ki India anpadh nahi hai. #GanduRashtra ki maa ka bhosda
by colliser April 14, 2021
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It is a derogatory term for Periyarites in India. As Periyarites believe in an imaginary country called Orraikkal Lemuria, hence they are called Lemurs. Lemtermensch is a blend of Lemur and Untermensch.
Go to your Lemuria you freakin Lemtermensch! You are also not a local of India!
by colliser August 17, 2023
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Chindu is a slang in Ujjain which is used for chapri Hindus. It became popular after a gang of supari killers started assassinating people and used Hinduism to defend themselves.
Hey chindu, smoking ganja won't make you a Hindu!
by colliser July 26, 2023
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Chindu is a popular slur in Ujjain which means chapri Hindu. It became popular because an chapri supari killer gang runned in Ujjain by Durlabh Kashyap started assassinating people and used Hinduism as a shield.
Hey Chindu, smoking ganja won't make you a Hindu!
by colliser July 26, 2023
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