1 definition by captainsurfari

Sound is the most sweetest girl anyone can meet. She is hard working and a high scheduler. Remember to remind her that it's okay to take breaks sometimes. If you see Sound, she's usually wearing a dark blue or black hoodie. She is short in appearance, but that doesn't mean she is safe. If you get her mad, she will stop at nothing to get justice. She's also a bottom. Take good care of your Sound or bad things will happen. She lives holding hands and has very good computer skills. Go ahead and ask what she's learning about and she will gladly tell you! As a girlfriend, she can be a little busy, so don't get angry if you haven't gotten a response in a few days. She's just busy. She gets along well with both dogs and cats but stray away from small children. I love you Sound :)
"have you seen my Sound anywhere? I would really like to cuddle with her..."
by captainsurfari January 15, 2022
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