185 definitions by black flag

An bloke who's been pissing Americans off with style for 40 years!!!
'Worried, his as worried as Fidel Castro'
by black flag January 6, 2004
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Has multi definitions
1) -military- Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. Also TV show of same name.

2) -drugs- To smoke yourself into a state of near unconciousness

3) -UK Slang- Mashed potato's

4) -Urban street slang- To destroy, mangle, wreck.
1) He served in a mash unit in Korea

2) Tonight I'm gonna get mashed

3) 'Give us a bash at the bangers and mash like me mother used to make' (old music hall song)

4) He dissed me so I mash him up bad.
by black flag June 20, 2004
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UK usage

1) Something that's flawed or faulty

2) To duff up, to assault, beat up etc
He sold me a duff DVD so I duffed him up.
by black flag May 31, 2004
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The self derogatory term used by Dumpy of Dumpy's Rusty Nuts when on stage.
"I'ma hot lover, fat fucker, hot lover yes indeed.." ('Hot Lover' by Dumpy's Rusty Nuts - from the 'Rock The Nation' EP)
by black flag June 25, 2004
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A form of cider where the appley goodness has been replaced by nasty hangover enducing chemicals.
Last night I was drinking white cider, this morning it feels like they are building a motorway through my brain.
by black flag June 3, 2004
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A method used by London gangsters to scar up their victims. A cut is made at the edge of both sides of the mouth then the victim is kicked in the groin very hard. As he screams the flesh on both cheeks are ripped apart leaving terrible scaring.
I wish some would give George W Bush a five mile smile.
by black flag February 11, 2004
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A dump of a town in the English county of Wiltshire founded by the Great Weston Railway in 1830. renowned for it's lack of good coffee, good football or good anything.
Swindon is as Swindon does.
by black flag June 3, 2004
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