6 definitions by andersite

When you simp too much for people online, but you try n' deny it
person 1: "bro, why do you act so different online"
person 2: " yea bro, you be simping for everyone"
person 3: "bro , I don't simp for anyone"
person 1: "Eggy boi moment"
by andersite March 15, 2022
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When you dont have enough have enough confidence
Person 1: "bro i wanna ask out that girl, but i dont have enough confidence"

Person 2: "chunck moment"
by andersite March 16, 2022
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when you're greedy because your friend has money
"bro, give me your money, its February, give it or else imma beat you"

"you're like tanzil the manippleler!!!"
by andersite February 8, 2022
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tanzol-"im not gay, it's just that i find animated big oily men attractive."

tanzol-"im straght"
by andersite December 6, 2022
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When you suck c*ck so much that the back of your throat is dented
"bro my throat hurts"
"you may be experiencing the effects of tanzilism
by andersite March 7, 2022
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when u don't understand something that's common
"i dont know what minecraft is"

"jamshid moment
by andersite January 31, 2022
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