14 definitions by abe

When you take a big dump in the toilet
Yo Joe, I gotta drop mad dueces be back in 10.
by abe August 31, 2006
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v.(stohn-kee) to eat a large amount of food in one or two effortless bites.
Dude, you totally stahnked that hoagie whilt I was still on the first bite of mine!
by abe April 8, 2004
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a mouth bacteria that is introduced by sucking the penis of someone who has had sex with a dead body.
tom is a necrophiliac and tiffany sucked his cock, now she has mites
by abe November 17, 2003
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The best wrestler EVER, a close second being Adam Bomb
Viscera is the fucking man
by abe January 28, 2005
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On a scale of 1 to 10, hes a 14 of awesomeness. Hes by far the best DOTA player known, and coolest arab in the world. Matt, Muhammad, Ramzi, Red, and Niel aren't half the dota player he is. Also very cool.
by abe December 2, 2007
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