7 definitions by ZrxTeamGreen

Someone who is somehow unable to hit the shuttlecock with their badminton racket properly and always somehow ends up hitting it with the frame.
Dammit, I've hit the frame again for the eighth time, I'm a teat.
by ZrxTeamGreen June 24, 2021
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when you've been playing with a Rubik's cube for so long that it starts to look weird, such as, the squares are looking more like a rhombus.
It's hard to solve the cube now, because of cube-madness.
by ZrxTeamGreen March 4, 2022
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Something only the elite members of idiot city understand. This word shows the clearance that someone is an idiot. Using this word symbolizes that the person you are speaking to/of, if someone an idiot would call an idiot. Some would say touché but in reality it reinforces the fact that they are absolutely stupid.
It was at this moment that he knew that at that given moment, that he only thought of in that situation, that the person he was talking to was speaking such nonsense that he said. "Who are you? Helson or something! Man your bare bomtem you know".
by ZrxTeamGreen June 24, 2021
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The fear of doing practical (practice in sport).
We aren't doing practical today, because sir has Helsonophobia
by ZrxTeamGreen November 11, 2021
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Practical is something that Mr.Helson doesn't understand.
"Are we Doing practical". doubt it, we've got Helson.
by ZrxTeamGreen June 17, 2021
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