21 definitions by Zozothecat

When you only like political candidates (or people in general) from your political party of preference, and dislike those from the opposing party.
Freda said she won’t vote for anyone who’s not a Democrat and Brandy, the local SJW, called her a partyist
by Zozothecat March 7, 2020
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An easy way to get dumped by your partner. All you have to do is try a UD definition that describes something to do during sex, and they will dump your stupid ass.
“Did you hear that Julie dumped Chad?”

“Yeah he donkey-punched her and she threw him out of the house. That’s what he gets for playing the UD breakup game.”
by Zozothecat December 18, 2019
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When you have explosive diarrhea come shooting out of your butt all at once and it makes a huge splash in the toilet that wetx your whole butt.
Ew, don't go in that stall. Someone did a diarrhea bomb and it's all over the place!
by Zozothecat December 11, 2011
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Something so useless that it might as well be nothing.
After all the crap you did, your pathetic apology doesn't amount to a fart in the wind.
by Zozothecat December 11, 2011
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A COVID time warp is when you think something was two years ago or more, but it was only last year. Caused by the pandemic, quarantine and lockdown making 2020 feel extra, extra long.
I thought Jack and Jamie got married last year but it was actually 2019. I had a COVID time warp.
by Zozothecat July 23, 2021
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A big biff is when you fall down, mess up on something, get pwned by someone or generally do anything that causes embarrassment.
Person 1: I tripped over my own shoelaces and fell down in front of everybody at school.

Person 2: Yikes, big biff!
by Zozothecat July 7, 2022
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An eggnog fart is a fart so rich and fragrant that it’s reminiscent of the Christmas food and beverages you have been consuming in excess. Can precede or follow the traditional Yule toilet log. which is another by-product of Christmas indulgence.
We were opening presents when my grandpa ripped off a big ol eggnog fart and cleared the entire room! He even put the dog to shame!
by Zozothecat December 25, 2019
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