5 definitions by Zoeeeeeee1233

A type of girl who’s name is Hannah, they love making slime and always are doing something weird. Has two close friends.
Friend: what’s that smell

Hannah: idk I’m going to take a shower
Friend: gets down on all fours and snifs the whole room till finds something under the bed

Hannah: walks in
Friend: I think I found it *holds up a stress ball full of wet rice*

Hannah: that’s me always being a hannah banana
by Zoeeeeeee1233 January 21, 2020
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He’s a big rapist and lives with a Hannah banana most of the time and always try’s to get all Zoe’s cake but Zoe’s speedy quick and runs away his kids are always screeming
Do you hear a fire alarm going off Brandon... no that’s just my kids crying
by Zoeeeeeee1233 January 21, 2020
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