10 definitions by Zoboomafoobar

A euphemism for "to tear someone a new asshole" — that is, to come down on someone very harshly as a punishment
Okay, okay... no need to tear a spare.


Before: Don't forget to take the trash out, or I'll tear you a spare.

After: Jeez, I forget to take the trash out one time and you tear me a spare...?
by Zoboomafoobar March 16, 2008
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Barack Obama's own made-up word that he sometimes uses instead of the word 'responsibility'. As heard 24 seconds into this speech in Berlin, Thursday 24th July: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7524269.stm
Michelle: Which one of you kids stole the cookies? I demand to know.
Barack: That's right. You should accept responsimilk.
by Zoboomafoobar July 24, 2008
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The onomatopoeia made by someone proving their prowess by licking their finger and pressing it to their (red-hot) behind.
I just got my Facebook-generated Goth Name: it's Lilith the Black One. Tsssh!
by Zoboomafoobar June 25, 2009
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Someone who owns more money than can be drunk, smoked or snorted, ever.
The richest man ever was Percival P. Smithely, a fastidious gazillionaire who would think nothing of spending $1,500 on a single Q-Tip.
by Zoboomafoobar June 21, 2008
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Wonderful Welsh word meaning 'shame' or 'pity' — used (more's the pity) only in Welsh English as a way of expressing moderate poignancy, compassion, or empathy for an ironic or pathos-laden situation. Or even just as an indicator of cuteness.
"Bechod on him: he bought her a very expensive ring and a day later she left with his best friend."

"What a lovely kitten! Bechod!"

A better example of the sheer potency of the word might be:

"Bechod! Our one-legged, 102-year-old neighbour mowed our lawn whilst we were away on holiday in the Bahamas!"
by Zoboomafoobar February 6, 2008
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A word that repressed and extremely religious people use to refer to what you're seeing right now.
She must be stoned to death, for she hath sought out and witnessed the Sinternet for her own unclean means!
by Zoboomafoobar May 22, 2013
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Any of the many dark amber, thick, traditional British strong ales with an ABV of at least 5, drunk at temperatures just shy of room temperature. (Often jokingly said to contain twigs — an allusion to its rich consistency in comparison to anaemic and gassy lagers). A mighty reaper of brain cells, much favoured by morris dancers.
I reckon Adam and I must have had at least 9 pints of foolmaker last night: we woke up wearing each other's trousers.
by Zoboomafoobar July 16, 2009
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