31 definitions by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat?

To go back on one's word or actions. To break a promise or change one's mind, usually with little or no prior notice. To renege.
I called to confirm with Cheryl if we were still on for our lunch date, but she decided to backstep on me after I made the reservations.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? March 19, 2018
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To reference one's urban or inner city background, lifestyle and culture. To be street savvy. The ability to adapt, sustain and survive life on the streets or within a specific community.

Can also be defined as the abrupt changing of one's attitude, demeanor or temperament.
Tiffany is generally a very sweet, easy-going, even-tempered girl who pretty much stays to herself. That all changed the other day when Sandra made the mistake of trying to bully her. I was amazed how quick Tiffany came off the corner and stood up to Sandra in a way that she soon won't forget.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? November 19, 2019
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A woman with whom a man will associate himself with whose primary intent is to just have a sexual encounter without any intention of establishing a relationship, commitment or further contact with said woman beyond the encounter.
If you want to be with someone special, then go find that someone special, but if you just have an itch that needs scratching, go find yourself a get-with girl.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? March 10, 2018
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Slang term for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a self-replicating material present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information.

The word (Dana) when used in a slang context refers to a DNA test to confirm the biological relationship between two or more persons.
Juanita kept insisting Marvin was the father of her baby, but Marvin refused to accept the child without any proof claiming Lloyd was the father. So in order to settle the matter once and for all Juanita said she would simply let Dana prove who was the father.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? July 12, 2019
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I asked Jimmy if he was still going to lend me some money on Friday, and all he did was shake and fake while trying to change the subject.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? March 13, 2018
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Another term for a gold digger.

(Gold Digger: A person, generally a woman, whose romantic pursuit of, relationship with, or marriage to a wealthy person is primarily or solely motivated by a desire or pursuit of money or other financial-based gifts or services. An opportunist).
I attended a recent social function and within the first ten minutes of conversation with a woman I had been introduced to I could tell she was nothing more than a pick and shovel girl.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? August 1, 2023
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Original: Shadowboxing is an exercise used in the training for combat sports, especially, as its name implies, in boxing. It is used mainly to prepare the muscles before the person training engages in stronger physical activity. In shadowboxing, only one person is required to take part; the participant throws punches into the air at no one in particular or an imaginary opponent.

Slang: The act of being evasive, vague or non-forthcoming with information.
Maria just flat out asked Carl if he was cheating on her and he immediately started shadowboxing. He told her everything except the truth.
by Who 'Dis? Who 'Dat? March 13, 2018
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