3 definitions by WTF is going on here?

Publicly embarrassing someone by pointing out they're full of shit.
I was in the pub yesterday and some big buffoon with bad hair was bragging about his natural tan. I swackhamered him by pointing out Cheeto orange wasn't a normal skin color.
by WTF is going on here? June 29, 2017
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Verb To execute a rapidly and poorly thought out plan dig a hole and bury someone else only to find you're the one in the hole.
When I was 10 my 13 year old brother nunesed himself when he told my parents I was smoking cigarettes with him.
by WTF is going on here? February 6, 2018
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The fear of being laughed out of office.
After his failed memo, Devin Nunes developed a bad case of Colbertophobia.
by WTF is going on here? March 4, 2018
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