26 definitions by Urban humor

Term given to the act of oral sex in several southern states.
I went out with Carol last night and she said if she could order off the menu at The Sizzler ,she would Honk My Bobo. So no buffet last night!
by Urban humor September 17, 2017
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When your large intestine has been holding back waste for more than 48 hours and your farts are the leading indicator of what is to come.
Anne: You haven't pooped in a while Craig, what's going on?
Craig: Everything seems to be cooking in the Colon Crockpot and "dinner" will be served shortly in the spare bathroom!
by Urban humor December 22, 2015
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Highest classification of post Mexican meal bathroom experience
We went to Burrito City last night for dinner and by 8:00pm I was headed toward the Leeward Islands (closest bathroom to the living room) as a Cat 5 Shit Storm!
by Urban humor September 19, 2017
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Priest that keeps having to move around because he is a pedophile.
Father Johnny has been transferred 15 times in the last two years. He is such a Priestophile!
by Urban humor February 28, 2020
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Male of the species that when completing sex, cums in such a large volume that there is a measurable weight shift among the two parties (or one party and a sock)
Terri: Was the first time sex with your new boyfriend amazing?
Anne: It was great, but he is such a "Heavy Cumer" that I put on almost two pounds and barely made it to the bathroom!
by Urban humor April 29, 2016
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When the President tells the exact same lie 5 times in a row
Wait, he just said that was the largest inauguration crowd ever for the 5th time today!

Trump Yahtzee!!!
by Urban humor October 13, 2017
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A Baby Boomer that believes we are all doomed by the behavior of the following generations
Jake: Did you hear Mr. Jones say the world is going to implode in the next 20 years?
Zoey: He is such a freaking Doomer!
by Urban humor January 21, 2020
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