133 definitions by Uncle Joosie

that time traitor-fuckface donald trump went to Saudi Arabia
Marcy was scrolling the internet and came across a news item about Trump being in-debt to Saudi Arabia, which showed a pic of TFG holding a glowing ball. She called to her roommate, Diane, to come over. "Di, WTF? that looks like a seance!" and Di replied, "no, hon. that's Orb Fondling." they both laughed and went to lunch.
by Uncle Joosie April 6, 2022
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Bob was having trouble peeing and, after a physical showed high PSA levels, his doc broke the news. “you have prostate cancer but it’s very treatable.” Bob went home and told wife Barb about his faulty walnut.
by Uncle Joosie March 23, 2022
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that glorious holiday when TFG is finally detained and finger-printed
Bob was perusing Twitter this morning and stumbled on Arrestmas as a trending topic. In a week when Donald Trump might finally get arrested it will be the holiday of all holidays and we shall leave cookies out for Santa every night prior in the hopes he comes down the chimney with wrist-and-ankle shackles for the Orange Shitstain.
by Uncle Joosie March 20, 2023
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floating debris of Naomi Wolf's former Twitter TL
anti-vaxxer, dangerous loon and doctor of philosophy Naomi Wolf got too crazy even for Twitter and she was banned, her timeline reduced to Nanopatticles... which was also a dopey word she tweeted once
by Uncle Joosie June 5, 2021
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Anti-choice nutbag hoarding "bio-hazard" material
The Former Guy DOJ official and Federalist Society member, David Morrell, owns a Washington, D.C., house whose tenant, Lauren Handy, got busted storing fetuses in a cooler. reached for comment the woman said "omg they're gonna freak when they find out about my Handy Five-fetus"
by Uncle Joosie April 1, 2022
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when your best pal is SO proud of being cunty to you he brags about it after
After Carl made fun of Finnegan for being bald he exclaimed "wow I got you good I'm like SO awesome at this" to which Finnegan replied "wow you're like a special breed of Bragging Cunt"
by Uncle Joosie June 24, 2019
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Cletus had an unusually difficult poop so he spent a few minutes with his ass splasher and felt a LOT better.
by Uncle Joosie July 21, 2019
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