43 definitions by Torbert

Tatoodles is the word you say when you are having your tattoos removed.
Tatoodles skulls, swastikas and giant dragon on my back, I’m out of prison and I’m starting my real estate career!
by Torbert April 15, 2023
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Tatoodles is what you say when you have a tatoo removed. It’s like saying good by to your ink.
Tatoodles swastika and skulls,and giant back demon, I’m leaving prison and getting a job selling real estate.
by Torbert April 14, 2023
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A Zipper Critter is a cute or friendly, familiar name name for genitalia often hidden from view by pants but accessed through a zipper.
Jenny, coming up on her third date with Larry was sure she 'd get to see his zipper critter.

Look at Bruce , he's totally happy. I bet he got some lap time with Lisa's Zipper Critter last night.
by Torbert July 6, 2018
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Netfuxing is when you fuck-up a Netflix subscriber's algorithm (that is or what they like) by purposely watching things on their account that they will likely hate.
Mike came back from a week long business trip, found a note saying his live in girlfriend was moving out, and then to add salt in the wound, she Netfuxed him by making all his Netflix preferences (Action Adventure and late night screw ball comedies) cooking shows and Lesbian coming of age dramas.
by Torbert April 5, 2021
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A Dogwood Pony Girl, is a member of a made up elite girls' equestrian school located in the mythical town of Dogwood, Connecticut. Because of it's mysterious provenance, , it has been used to describe a woman who is super smart , beautiful self reliant , but in-inexplicably mysterious.
Have met Sarah? Shes that bio egineering major that transferred from Stanford with the super strong legs. It's hard to get much out of her, She's a total Dogwood Pony Girl.
by Torbert May 21, 2023
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A Prayart is literally a prayer made not through speech but through one’s anus.
It is literally a Prayer-Fart.
Before his throat cancer surgery, Levi emitted a prayart to God.

When Father Peter visited the Church of the deaf and Mute in Madison, WI, he took in a big lung ful of air through his nostrils and proclaimed, “ I can smell there’s a lot of prayarting going on in this house of god”.
by Torbert March 27, 2021
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Portgland is the slang name for Portland, Oregon where you'll find a variety of people that have glandular disorders.
First it's Jim with his Thyroid, then his first kid is a Type 1 diabetic and now his second kid has hypopituitarism, they need to move to Portgland.
by Torbert May 31, 2021
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