6 definitions by ToXicsp1der

A meme that is old. More specifically it's a negative term used to tell someone that their meme is old and (sometimes) over saturated
1: Guys have you seen doge? It's funny!

2: dude that is such a dead meme
by ToXicsp1der December 30, 2017
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Pumpkin spice latte.

It is a beverage from Starbucks. It's sometimes referred to as "the white girl", because the people who normally buy this are younger, white girls.
by ToXicsp1der November 2, 2017
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A person who thinks they can learn everything about Japan by watching anime. Sometimes denies their own heritage and tries to claim that they're Japanese.
1: guys I know everything about Japan I can speak Japanese because I watch anime
2: weaboo.
by ToXicsp1der December 30, 2017
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Kys means "keep your spaghetti!". Make sure to reply with "yes I will" when someone says it to you.

JK it means kill yourself lol
1: I'm a Jake pauler guys!
2: kys
by ToXicsp1der February 24, 2018
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Spelled music.ly, music.my is a very popular social media app that allows the user to record and post videos of themselves or others dancing to music.
Most younger cell phone users use this app.
It has also became an internet meme because many people have the opinion that it is cringey.
Hey, did you see my friends music.ly post?

Wow, this is is cringey as music.ly
by ToXicsp1der November 2, 2017
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ESB - Emotional Support Buddy
A friend that goes to you with their problems as you go to them with yours
hey mates, kinda not doing to well, Kinda need an ESB right about now.
by ToXicsp1der January 7, 2020
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