5 definitions by Thomas Jefferson 1986

An aggressive ideology that believes that earth keeps warming up, mostly because of carbon dioxide (CO2). Any source that proves, criticizes, denies and/or dismisses those claims is considered by such ideologue as "anti-science".
Andre Illarianov: "Kyotoism is one of the most agressive, intrusive, destructive ideologies since the collapse of communism and fascism"
by Thomas Jefferson 1986 March 12, 2018
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A "gated institutional narrative" (delivered by major sources like mainstream media, government funded research and university faculties) that elevates some conversations and tamps down others: for example differences between men and women
Today's intellectual dark web includes people who think that inequality can be changed into absolute equality and denies sex differences
by Thomas Jefferson 1986 March 17, 2018
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A person who is behind a shadow world government. Usually a person in a powerful position and who practices eugenics and satanism.
Globalists have been governing the world for centuries already
by Thomas Jefferson 1986 March 11, 2018
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A conspiracy that is proven by disclosed documents and visual evidence, thus becomes undeniable.
That project MK Ultra has happened, is a conspiracy fact.
by Thomas Jefferson 1986 November 23, 2019
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After evaulating Karen's behavior, it is found that she has virophobia.
by Thomas Jefferson 1986 November 27, 2020
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