146 definitions by Theamazinggeek


A term used by the "Entitled" Generation or those thinking they are Entitled.

A term for youth waiting to find that ambition, excitement to life, that "go getter mood", that job/ career that will bring eternal joy.

Translation : (boiled down, blunt) SIT ON COUCH, SMOKE POT, PLAY VIDEO GAMES, EAT JUNK FOO, WATCH MOVIES/ TV, HAVE SEX (all on the same couch) and wait paitiently for a job that will:

A) pay either 6 figures (or at least 5 bucks more than social security)

B) Requires Zero work what so ever.

And this usually ends with the person getting thrown out with the very same couch and worldly possessions on the street by parents.
Bob:Just tell you mom were just "Flowers waiting to bloom" and that were at a delicate stage in our lives. now pass the bong
by Theamazinggeek June 21, 2017
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A derogative term or slur, said with disgust toward, a person with the normal home, job lifestyle. Usually said by a person with a carefree (homeless, transient) life style.

Its short "lotta heels" (not as in shoes) or the "hell lot"

The helot term has no bound. It can be for any gender, creed, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

A helot is normal person, usually in any line of work who are just waiting to make a sale or goes to a normal job. A guy who pays taxes, bills, invoices, fees, etc. Etc. And whose only purpose is to snag a care free person into it.

If your called one, pay it no mind. The person calling you it is living there chosen lifestyle and may hate or envy ehat you have
Homeless guy: $5,000. Holy mackerel! I can see the helots coming now, A whole army of them, with there stuff for sale, lawyers, and bank account
by Theamazinggeek March 12, 2018
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* A type of woman similar to a Cougar. the difference between the two is the cougar will pick out the best. the Racoon will seek her male from the pile the cougar rejected.
Dude A: thats a cougar, see how aggressive she is.
Dude A: and that in the corner is the racoon waiting in to get her share after wards
Dude B: and whats that over there ?
Dude A: something completely different. A jackal
by Theamazinggeek February 2, 2015
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corporate Hitchhiking is a term for going job to job, temp job to temp job with hope for all this jumping to add up to a solid high paying job/ career. All this time counting on your resume with its stunning large set of skills and items that are usually useless. You may feel its impressive having 3 to 8 pages of info but to any possible employer its shows you cant hold a job down
Jake: do you believe you can win a job with that 6 page resume.

Joe: darn tooting.
jake: but all youve been doing is jumping from management job to management job, from sinking ship to sinking ship.
joe: its only a little Corporate hitchhiking . just look at my entire skill list and my impressive job list
by Theamazinggeek June 21, 2017
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A little used term to describe a woman who is super aggressive toward getting a guy. When we say agressive, she is definently on a hunt and bag mission
Guy: that lady is a true carnivore. Shes been here every night and hitting on every hot guy
by Theamazinggeek February 15, 2018
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Scientist who are masters of killing time and good at not getting caught doing these activities. Boredologist come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. From high school kids in the middle of class to real scientist bored with monotony of day to day work.

Finding new ways to combat boredom.
The boredologist set his text book as a shield his work. He set up a miniture drivers ed course and placed the tiniest car at the start.
by Theamazinggeek January 14, 2018
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A term for when you act stupid, flustered, go blank, or most when your IQ dips into single digits due to infatuation.

A good example of this phenomenon is when you meet a good looking girl and all you can say is " hum erm guh duh"
" hum erm guh duh" was all that love flustered greg could get out when he met melody
by Theamazinggeek April 10, 2019
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