66 definitions by The coMANd'r

A location that is so remote that it does not even have a Starbucks within 5 minutes.
Driving through Paradise California a few months after the Camp Fire...
Jillian: Wow, this place is really desolate. It's like we are in the middle of nowhere.
Terry: Ya it is, no Starbucks.
Jillian: Not even able to place a mobile order to pull a Starbucks virtual cut.
by The coMANd'r June 25, 2019
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When you are Messaging with someone and they start to respond, so you see the bubbles in Messages, then the bubbles disappear and no response follows.
I sent a dick pick to Sarah and waited for her reply. She started to type, then cancelled the message and never responded. Bitch bubble dis'd me.
by The coMANd'r June 13, 2019
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When you are forced to sit through a useless meeting that puts you to sleep with your eyes open.
Paige: I am bummed. I have to go in to the office today for these boring-ass presentations from management.

Bill: Well, at least you can catch up on your meetnapping.

Paige: Ya, but the guy who took me on a date last night caught me datenapping, so I need to be careful to not get caught tomorrow by my boss in the meetings.
by The coMANd'r October 30, 2014
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Another name for your belly button because it looks like a butthole on your stomach.
I went camping last week for 6 days and got so dirty that I spent about 15 minutes cleaning out my front butthole. Would have taken me less time, but I am an inny, not an outy.
by The coMANd'r September 4, 2017
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The foiled tradition of the ding dong ditch which is slowly dying due to the Ring doorbell. Pranksters who attempt the ding dong ditch are now caught on camera when they hit a Ring household. And, with the built-in motion sensor in the Ring, the flaming bag of dog pooh is now a dying prank.
Sky TP'd a house last weekend with his friends. To get him back, the victim of the TP pulled a ding dong ditch at 2:49am, though they were cold-busted by the Ring. Caught full on video footage, so Sky's parents made a call to Jamie's parents and shared the video - Ring dong ditch. Busted!
by The coMANd'r May 30, 2019
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Jillian: you watching the Inspiration4 lift off today?

Barney: yep, I love me an Elonch
by The coMANd'r September 18, 2021
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Similar to "brunch", but what you do in New Orleans. A combination between breakfast and lush, aka lunch drinking = brush
Barney: just making sure you know we have brushes and dinners lined up for the Jazzfest week in New Orleans

Billy: what about combs?

Barney: they use picks down here. Brushes are what New Orleanians do in the morning to start the day - eat and get yur drink on. The best places serve you in a stay-cup.
by The coMANd'r April 28, 2022
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