3 definitions by The Friendly Nazi

A key that is soooo old it has never been used. It is for your chastity belt. U have been a virgin for quite some time
Damn that is one dusty key ya Damn virgin head ass
by The Friendly Nazi July 12, 2017
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A place in Minnesota cursed by the immigration of poor, dirty foreigners. There are shootings daily, and if you are live there, you know why you don't yell 'west' on the east side or 'east' on the west side.
Dude, he's from St. Paul, don't mess with him.
by The Friendly Nazi June 3, 2014
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N. A person who hates false grammar.

adj. The act of repeatedly correcting another person's grammar.
Hippie: 'Dude, that party was the funnest'
Grammar Nazi: 'You mean: Dude, that party was the most fun.'
by The Friendly Nazi June 3, 2014
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