13 definitions by The Chickens Are Revolting

The current politically correct term for mentally handicapped people. However, by the time this definition is finished being typed, "differently abled" will likely be a "slur" and the new PC term will be something even more vague.
"People with Down Syndrome are not 'disabled,' they're differently abled! And this has nothing to do with political correctness; simply understanding and clarity."
"I beg your pardon, but I don't appreciate you calling people like my son 'differently abled.' They are no more 'different' than any usual person. This is an offensive slur and needs to stop. Spread the word to end the D-word!"
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A male who expects a female to accept his romantic advances simply because he is "nice," and is angered when she does not.

Possible causes for this phenomenon:

1.) He views romance as a prize he is entitled to, like his allowance, as long as he behaves himself.

2.) He thinks all women are the same dainty, smiling, flower-picking Disney princess, who want nothing more in a man than giant smiles, polite chit-chat, poetry readings, and doors held opened for them. He does not understand that women are individuals.

3.) He has a mental disability that encourages girls to put on a super-nice act around him, as they would around a child. He mistakes this for their real personality, and thinks they are really getting to know each other and clicking, when...no. (This one's pretty tragic, and no one's fault, really.)

4.) He's a really bad actor, so even girls who DO want a "nice, sensitive guy" can see right through his crap.

5.) He is a genuinely nice guy, but only goes for hot girls he has nothing in common with...while complaining that girls always go for the "wrong" guy.

6.) A closeted homosexual or transsexual, who has discovered how conveniently the "nice guy" motif can cover up his secret. ("I'm just not a man's man!") This can leave a bad impression on the girl, after she learns the truth. She may become so paranoid, that if the next guy she dates cheats on her with another woman, she may break into a joyful jig, exclaiming, "My boyfriend is straight!"
"I am so finished with dating nice guys! Next time a guy tries to pick me up in a sparkely blue prius, I'm not going on the date."
by The Chickens Are Revolting December 6, 2014
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A straight white girl who recognizes that the "part Native American" trend has run its course, and now has to come up with something new.
I can't be racist because I'm 1/16 Cherokee, and I can't be transphobic or homophobic because I'm nonbinary! So ha!
by The Chickens Are Revolting October 21, 2020
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A woman who cannot accept that her children aren't children anymore. She refuses to get a job, hobby, social life, or anything that might define herself apart from her role as "mom." She is up her teenage or adult children's assess 24/7, throwing tantrums when she doesn't get the attention or praise she expects, and wonders why her kids leave the room when she arrives, move out of town when they grow up, and rarely call.
"I hate my home. My mom is always there, screaming at me for spilling milk or not having the right tone of voice."
"Don't you at least have some times when she's not home? Doesn't she work or anything?"
"No, she's a home maker."
by The Chickens Are Revolting December 21, 2014
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Extremist lunatic who gives feminism a bad name.

A few differences between a feminist and a feminazi:

* Feminist: Thinks "man and wife" should be changed to "husband and wife."
Feminazi: Thinks "Doberman" should be changed to "Doberperson."

* Feminist: Praises "Mulan" for it's strong female lead
Feminazi: Criticizes "Mulan" because when the heroine killed the bad guy and saved China, she was wearing a dress

* Feminist: Tries to put and end to the stereotypes and stigma surrounding single mothers
Feminazi: Tries to defend women like the Octomom

* Feminist: Hates men like Glen Beck, Rush Limbagh, and Rev. Phelps
Feminazi: Hates men
You have to be an approved member to post on our feminist blog. I had to make that rule because before, when just anyone could post, it got swarmed with crazy feminazis who made our site look stupid. It was really embarrassing.
by The Chickens Are Revolting December 15, 2014
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1.) The female equivalent of an asshole. This can be an insult or a compliment, depending on the context.

2.) To whine

3.) A subservient person, especially in a sexual situation.

4.) A female dog

5.) An abstract expression that Dave Chappelle often uses to start or end a sentence.
"That cashier didn't smile. What a bitch!"

"Oh stop bitching. She was just tired."

"Yeah, and besides, being a cashier sucks. You're basically the customer's bitch, until they leave the store."

"Speaking of which, that bitch I was dog-sitting for is pregnant! We're trying to find homes for all the puppies."

"I'm Rick James, bitch!"
by The Chickens Are Revolting December 6, 2014
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A subgenre of science fiction that nerds can never agree on the exact meaning of. A good guide line though is the two words in that portmanteau: "cyber" and "punk." Does the movie/book/show/comic/whatever in question have a heavy emphasis on technology? (As opposed to aliens, space exploration, time travel, etc.) Then it's got the "cyber." Does it have a punk-like feel to it? (Dark, neon-filled setting, black leather and sunglasses, techno-punk soundtrack, devil-may-care attitudes, etc.) Then it's got the "punk."

Depending on which nerd you ask, examples of cyberpunk include: "The Matrix," "Blade Runner," "The Terminator," "Total Recall," "Snow Crash," "Neuromancer," "Burning Chrome," "Hammerjack," "Altered Carbon," "Shadowrun," "Repo: The Genetic Opera," "Inception," "Ultraviolet," "Aeon Flux," "Tron," and probably tons of other classic examples this writer is forgetting.

Cliches to look for, that may indicate a cyberpunk story:

- Hackers
- Virtual reality
- A dark (in any sense of the word) future
- Sunglasses
- Leather
- Pimpin' suits
- Razor Girls
- Techno music
- Neon
- Urban settings
- Evil corporate dudes
- Anything related to Japan
- Spunky teenage couriers on wheels (skateboards, bikes, roller blades, etc.)
- A wise and mysterious black dude
- Sarcasm
- Robots
- Gratuitous action/violence/boobies
- Hearing yourself say "Damn this is so cheesy, but I love it so much!"
- Giant, futuristic blimps
"What the hell do you mean 'The Matrix' isn't cyberpunk? It's got the virtual reality, the hackers, the leather, the shades, the deep philosophy, the dark future, the cynicism, the robots, and the techno soundtrack!"

"It was made in 1999. True cyberpunk must be from the '80s, like 'Blade Runner' and 'Neuromancer.'"

"Dude, that's like saying 'Harry Potter' can't be fantasy, because it wasn't written in the same decade as 'Lord of the Rings.'"

"...it's *post*-cyberpunk, is what it is."

by The Chickens Are Revolting December 8, 2014
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