100 definitions by THe man

a pretty nice place, friendly people, nice atmosphere. good academics
east lothian, diverse student body, bourne engineering building
by THe man August 27, 2004
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when an object is compared with sars and sars wins
some girls at my school are fuckingest
by THe man June 19, 2003
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A subburb of Memphis. Its school contains roughly 2,500 stundents. Black people make up roughly 50% and always talk about how Germantown isn't hard but do not realize in doing so call themselves week. 35% is white, and realize that the school has gone to shit. The other 15% is etinic (i.e. asian, middleeastern, latin) who ussually either split off and hang out with either black or whits or stay in his or her own click.
by THe man April 29, 2004
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Chow HAI
You need to wash your CHOW pat pat
by THe man October 19, 2001
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a powder made from chillis can be brought in most spuer markets snorting this gives extrem hlosinations
i snorted this and a musroom man appeared doing the can-can another russian dancing
by THe man November 13, 2003
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One of the coolest chicks in the world. She knows how to party, and yet, has a huge heart and is deeply compassionate with her less gifted, witless Tara friends.
The girl is such a tava, party on girl!
by THe man March 29, 2005
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