5 definitions by THE pp ;)

Valeria is a girl who has coochie lice. she finds herself snacking on it, most of the day. at school everyone knows her as the girl with coochie lice. only some really know the story of how she got coochie lice but that's a secret I'll never tell.. xoxo, pp
"did you hear that Valeria the green gun one has coochie lice?" - pp and tortillito
by THE pp ;) January 10, 2020
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ajani is a little boy who looks like rotten old apple sauce. people named ajani often have very tiny pp's. maybe a one incher if they are lucky. they are also really annoying and super rude :( like imagine brooo.
by THE pp ;) January 10, 2020
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frida has the biggest head in the whole entire world like hugamungus big. every guy she comes upon, she thinks they are hot so hit her up mistersss. if she doesn't fine you cute than you really must be fineeee. she weird like that. she has the weirdest taste in guys. she sucks at Roblox and can never beat sam broccoli cheddar soup. like in her dreamsss. -pp, sam, vale
by THE pp ;) January 10, 2020
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booty lice grows on the hairs near your ass hole. they smell really good, and are good to snack on when you forget to eat breakfast. it can get itchy sometimes, but that is good because it normally means that more are growing which means free snacks!
"tortillito has booty lice and he passes it to all of his homies. it's fun to eat at lunch." - pp
by THE pp ;) January 10, 2020
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Jevon is very stinky and has booty lice. he can be nice if he wants to I guess but like that never happens. he often likes to have dumb nicknames for everyone because he is dumb like that. but girls don't forget, get at that f1re c0ck before it's too late. 3 am, sharp.
"Jevon the tortillito has booty lice" - pp and vale and everyone else
by THE pp ;) January 10, 2020
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